Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter 7 Discussion Leader Sam S.

1)      Why did Nathan refer to her experience as “going back and forth between worlds?” (134)
·         Nathan obviously had to go to school to get her college teaching degree so she spent time at the University as a student, then she graduated and became a professor, then she went back to AnyU as a student a second time to gather information creating a “back and forth” affect.
·         She now fully understands what goes through a student’s head as they attend class when she went back to school as a student at AnyU.
·         She felt her experience to be a bit like a cross-cultural travel.
2)      What changes did Nathan make to her lectures and syllabus as a teacher?
·         She didn’t assign readings if they were not going to be used or important because she knew her students wouldn’t read them anyways.
·         She follows up her lectures with office hours to encourage students to attend.
·         She begins the lecture exactly on time to prevent students from being tardy.
3)      What questions did she find her students asking when they wanted to know if they should actually read the material? (138)
·         “Will there be a test or quiz on this material?”
·         “Is the reading something that I will need in order to be able to do the homework?”
·         “Will we directly discuss this in class in such a way that I am likely to have to personally and publicly respond or otherwise perform in relation to this reading?”
4)      What helped make Nathans faculty-administrative-student circle complete?
·         She was a “faculty fellow” (148) in AnyU’s Office of the President giving her special access to planning and policy meetings.
·         She’s seen the university as a graduate and as an undergraduate teacher
·         She served multiple terms on their faculty senate.
·         She took the opportunity to become a student again at AnyU.

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