Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter 1 Discussion Leader Sam S.

What are some of the challenges Nathan faces thus far as a college first year student?
·         Students notice she is much older than them.
·         She is mistaken as a mother of a student, when she is in fact a student herself.
·         She has to learn to make some lifestyle changes: studying and staying up late, sleeping in, cafeteria food, adjusting to classes and homework and, learning the “language” to fit in.
Why are male and female college experiences so different?
·         Males and females are exposed to different situations.
·         Guys generally are interested the more “manly” careers such as welding, mechanics, or engineering versus women who go to school for cosmetology, nursing, or certain fields of art.
·         Girls are, by choice, sheltered a little more than guys.  For example, a guy riding a skateboard down a steep hill while drunk would find it funny, while a girl would see that idea as just plain stupid.
What do you think the author plans to observe as an undercover freshman?
·         Student roll of looking up at the teacher versus the teacher looking out at the class.
·         College trends, parties, language, studying habits.
·         Dorm life in general.
What rude awakenings could Nathan encounter in the future?
·         Learning that kids often cheat on tests, quizzes, and homework assignment.
·         Keeping friends.
·         Deciding what information is worth writing down for her research.

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