Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chapter 1 Graphic Organizer Derek N.

I made this graphic organizer on chapter 1 to emphasize all the things the author attempts to do to fit in. I believed the first chapter was primarily focused on many of these points. The author explains on page 10 of how she attended every possible social  event and club during welcome week to get to know the campus and the people in it. She also has trouble adapting to the new words and lingo used by the students.  She explains "I would have to master my current speech convections," then continues to list all the words she had never experienced before (Nathan 13). She takes part in some sports, and attends many athletic events. Her biggest problem seemed to be bridging the age gap between her and the students. She tries to talk to students as another student but is often seen as a mom back for a degree. In terms of challenging authority, she is confronted by RA's for consuming alcohol outside of her dorm room on page 12. She explains how she was embarrassed but refers back to the idea, that if students see her challenging authority, they will accept her for one of them.

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