Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chapters 4 & 5 Graphic Organizer Liz Diede

American Education System:
In chapter four, Nathan interviews international students on the differences between the American educational system and the educational system of their own country. Many students noted the extreme differences in the behavior of students that was tolerated in class. “You have so much freedom here! You can step out in the middle of class. We could never do that.” (Nathan 78) According to one Asian student, questions that interrupt the professor in the middle of class would never be tolerated. Another international student described American professors’ lectures as a ‘one man show’. Explaining that how the teachers seem to be entertaining the class with their power points and the jokes that are told during class. Overall, international students describe American professors as helpful, tolerant, open, and laid back (Nathan 78). They also explained that American exams seemed to be too easy, since professors tell students exactly what they should study for each test. 

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